Episode 156 – The Comic-Sized Revelations! July 29, 2023August 6, 2023PodcastONA Comment So who could have guessed that an actor strike would mean San Diego Comic-Con would end up being more like the SDCCs of [...]
Episode 137 – The Cataclysmic Combo-Breaker! (Season X1 Premiere) It has been one month since our last main episode, and while some things are changing around here some things will remain the [...]
Episode 128 – The Perplexing Season Padding Plan… PAIN. Many years ago, people were comparing Attack on Titan to The Walking Dead in tone and structure. Today, those comparisons continue, only in [...]
Episode 126 – The Anniversary of Discotent! The lesson of Toonami turning 25 is that, in 2022, people will yell over everything they do, be it for the good or [...]
Episode 122 – The Week of Nominal Recognition! (aka the Anime Awards Deep Dive) What a way to cap off a week that really didn’t feel real, due in part to a lot of really dumb and [...]
Episode 121 – The New Year’s Darling Roar! (Season 10 Premiere) 2022 has arrived, and with it comes… well, some more of the same still lingering around from last year. We’ll deal with that [...]
Episode 120 – The Not-So-Live Closer! (Season 9 Finale) Another year has come to a close, and with it so does this season of the show, a season that’s seen as many [...]
Episode 116 – The Flame of the Festival! Back after an extended break away (more on that in the intro), there is a LOT to unpack for this extra-loaded show. Between [...]
Episode 114 – The Dirty Pair Return! As the fall season begins and as we start taking our notes on the season at large, we have a good bit on [...]
Episode 111′ – You can(not) buy this Ultimate Edition. It probably says something about how slow a period it’s been when the only big news to talk about is the Neon Genesis [...]