Episode 96 – The Infodump Speedrun! And with this show, we’re back on proper schedule. All is well… at least for this show, anyway. Consider this another one of [...]
Episode 75 – The Virtual Con-Goings! (Season 6 Finale) Hard to believe that it’s been four months since the world, as we knew it, completely changed to a sudden standstill in the [...]
Episode 64 – The Rising of the U.A. Heroes! Being in the midst of a massive theatrical rollout of so many films, this was definitely an inevitable choice for us to talk [...]
Episode 49 – The Earth-Shattering Expo! (Part 2 – Season 4 Finale) Anime Expo has come and gone, and in its wake came a good bit of announcements, projects, and even some hype-AF premieres as [...]
Episode 45 – The Doctor is Exploding In! Rounding out the month of May, we’re here to dish out all the happenings at all the conventions from Memorial Day weekend, with [...]