Episode 98 – The Intergalactic White Whale! Oh, you know, no big deals to talk about with this show, nothing super monumental to discuss, nothing like that. Except freaking MACROSS. [...]
Episode 96 – The Infodump Speedrun! And with this show, we’re back on proper schedule. All is well… at least for this show, anyway. Consider this another one of [...]
Episode 95 – The (Belated) Master Discovery! Apologies for this show being about a week late, as we had some issues out of our control that prevented us from meeting [...]
Episode 94 – The 5ecret 5star 5ystem 5endoff! Yes, the episode title is a big Daft Punk reference, kind of obvious. But this is also a sendoff in a different way, [...]
Episode 92 – The Memories Remain! Here are some hard realities of life that we all need to accept: Tom Brady is an eldritch god living among the humans, [...]
Episode 89 – The Roast and the First! Yep, it’s that time again. Awards season is upon us, and even though it’ll look a lot different this time around the guarantees [...]
Episode 87 – The Fate of the Industry and the Sale of the Century! (Season 7 Finale) 2020 just couldn’t end without one more major bombshell announcement, now, could it? After weeks and weeks of rumor-milling and speculation, it finally [...]
Episode 86 – The Infinity Train: Five Minutes to Midnight As you might be able to ascertain, this episode isn’t covering a certain major announcement that broke out that has to do with [...]
Episode 83 – The Autumnal Round Table Buffet! It’s finally starting to cool down, the leaves are changing colors, and pumpkin spice lattes have been back on the menu for a [...]
Episode 82 – EVA’s 25th Anniversary Jackpot! You would think that we’d install some kind of fire-retardant materials of some kind to make sure our newsroom doesn’t explode when something [...]