Movie Night: MHA World Heroes Mission As a special holiday weekend treat, this is the first installment of PodcastONA Movie Night, a new side-series for this program just for [...]
Episode 113 – The Dumbfounding Digi/Demon Disappointment. The fall season is upon us, and with it comes the end of one disappointing series and the disappointing reveal of a returning [...]
Episode 111′ – You can(not) buy this Ultimate Edition. It probably says something about how slow a period it’s been when the only big news to talk about is the Neon Genesis [...]
Episode 110 – The Explosive Week of Everything! Welp. It certainly was a busy week, last week. Everything seemed to happen within the span of seven days, from Evangelion hitting Amazon, [...]
Episode 99 – The Springtime Overload! Let’s just come out with it, there are WAY too many good shows this season. The spring season of shows is one of [...]
Episode 98 – The Intergalactic White Whale! Oh, you know, no big deals to talk about with this show, nothing super monumental to discuss, nothing like that. Except freaking MACROSS. [...]
Episode 97 – A Full-Strength Rhapsody! Here we thought all we were going to talk about was the happenings and announcements from AnimeJapan. Instead, everything else got announced, including [...]
Episode 96 – The Infodump Speedrun! And with this show, we’re back on proper schedule. All is well… at least for this show, anyway. Consider this another one of [...]
Episode 93 – The Crunchyroll APATHY Awards. Maybe it’s just the disillusionment we’ve all felt over the past year, but this year’s Crunchyroll Anime Awards just didn’t have anything to [...]
Episode 86 – The Infinity Train: Five Minutes to Midnight As you might be able to ascertain, this episode isn’t covering a certain major announcement that broke out that has to do with [...]