Episode 47 – The Return of Evangelion! The Angels have returned, and so have the numerous thinkpieces and hot takes. That can only mean that the ever-so-polarizing Neon Genesis Evangelion [...]
Episode 45 – The Doctor is Exploding In! Rounding out the month of May, we’re here to dish out all the happenings at all the conventions from Memorial Day weekend, with [...]
Episode 34 – The Newsroom is Tumbling Down, Tumbling Down, Tumbling Down! (Season 3 Finale) Well, good ol’ Netflix decided not just to make our newsroom explode with a plethora of announcements, but they completely destroyed it to [...]
Episode 26 – The Summertime (Diet) Buffet! (Season 3 Premiere) Well, we’re deep into the summer offerings, which means we’re back to give our taste of the good, the bad, and the indifferent [...]