Episode 135 – The Grande Convention Haul! The month of July has come and gone, and as we look back on it we can say that it was a pretty [...]
Episode 129 – The Spring Dub Rundown Bonanza! With our last show before diving into the spring season, it’s only fitting that we have a giant slate of spring season dub [...]
Episode 120 – The Not-So-Live Closer! (Season 9 Finale) Another year has come to a close, and with it so does this season of the show, a season that’s seen as many [...]
Episode 107 – The Coincidental Dub Conundrum! (Season 9 Premiere) After four years, 100-plus episodes, some gags that have gone away, and plenty of hot-button discussions, we’re still just getting started with this [...]
Episode 103 – The DiscotE3k Doubleheader! Every now and then, we like to talk about video games, and there’s no better time to talk about video games than during [...]