Episode 54 – Congrats, Ketchum! You know what’s crazy? How a 10-year-old kid can try so many times for a championship in 22 years. But that’s the nature [...]
Episode 45 – The Doctor is Exploding In! Rounding out the month of May, we’re here to dish out all the happenings at all the conventions from Memorial Day weekend, with [...]
Episode 37 – The Winter Anime… Salad Bar? It’s not just us, right? This winter season feels a bit lacking with heavy hitters. Maybe it’s because last winter brought in a [...]
Episode 11 – Making Sense of the Ghoulish Silence! Another slow news week means another episode where we all have a breeze of an episode. But we managed to have a bit [...]
Episode 9 – We ALL Deserve This Big Toblerone! What’s this? Another full episode in less than two weeks? And in less than ONE week? Well, kind of. Our news room EXPLODED [...]