There is no clever title to this show. There is no real point to describe what this show is about. It’s not a show that anyone really needs to hear, but if anyone wants a momentary distraction from the events happening out in the real world right now, this show will supply it. But do not let the events happening outside to escape your mind, and do not let this show serve as the means to an end to ignore what is happening, as we are not ignoring it either. We know where we stand, we know what we align with. The fight for systemic change is happening in the streets all across the United States of America, and those fights cannot – nor should not – end until change is enacted from the top to the bottom.
There will be another episode available shortly after this, which will have a humorous title and an image to tie into a story discussed in the show. Neither are necessary for this show.
This is our one political statement on the matter: Black Lives Matter. Plain and simple.
Intro – Where We Stand
16:31 – Remembering Zac Bertschy
23:40 – Kyoto Animation arsonist now in police custody
25:47 – Japan discussing further cyberbullying laws in wake of apparent suicide of pro wrestler Hana Kimura
28:43 – state of ermegency lifted across all of Japan
33:00 – the latest anime postponements and delays
38:55 – Slime Time pushed back completely to 2021
40:17 – JoJo dub production delayed for Toonami
44:02 – children’s long-runners returning to broadcast
46:33 – confirmed Spring shows returning in July
52:16 – first 3DCG feature from Ghibli coming this winter
55:09 – ufotable and founder Hikaru Kondo formally charged with tax evasion
1:00:29 – George Wada appointed EVP of Production I.G.
1:04:58 – details on Attack on Titan fourth season revealed
Apple Podcasts – https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/podcastona/id1348141210?mt=2
Google Play – https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Iji4s3v2zmahjgokqsmevbojno4
Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/show/2JZLO3LfoeHepomejTw4TP
iHeartRadio – https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-podcastona-43099114/
TuneIn – https://tunein.com/podcasts/Podcasts/PodcastONA-p1249922/
Stitcher – https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/podcastona/
Where to find us:
Alex – @AuraOfAzure
Andy – @MangaMan9000, youtube.com/DubTalk
Jet – @Divinenega, animationinfinity.com
Duelist – @HeartofSword75, youtube.com/DuelistG
As always, check out surrealresolution.com for more content, and follow @SurrealReso for more updates on the show, our continued news posts, reviews, and our fellow podcasts.