Well, THAT escalated quickly. A lot of news broke out very quickly, so it became a two-man show to try and deescalate the situation, put out the fire in our newsroom, and talk about a lot of good stuff that came out. We got the FLCL 2 and 3 trailer and announcement, that Dragonball Super movie teaser, a group of big shows coming soon (ahem, to Amazon), and a few more goodies to hold you all over until our next show.
What’s coming by our next show… oh yeah, AnimeJapan and a double-shot of Anime Boston and Sakura-Con.
Remember to breathe, like we’re going to try and do.
Apple Podcasts – https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/podcastona/id1348141210?mt=2
Google Play – https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Iji4s3v2zmahjgokqsmevbojno4
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzheC8DKa8jmlSHSNBcEYwA
Where to find us:
Alex – @AuraOfAzure
Jet – @Divinenega, animationinfinity.com
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