With awards season wrapping up, what better time than now to unleash our thoughts on the salt bomb that is the Crunchyroll Anime Awards? It’s a packed edition of the show, featuring Sam Clutters from Toonami Squad, where we had quite a pre-awards discussion, including a brief preamble about the live-action Fullmetal Alchemist film, some news on Sentai’s June slate and Discotek’s April releases, returning seasons for DanMachi and Chihayafuru, and some… “interesting”… news regarding SAO’s third season. And we had plenty of derailing tangents all around, including some Toonami discussion and the Reboot reboot.
Addendum: we’ll talk about the Re:ZERO dub cast next time, it came just too late to splice in.
6:30 – live-action FMA thoughts
20:27 – Granblue Fantasy dub accidentally shadowdropped? (w/Aniplex update)
24:22 – Funimation announces Re:ZERO home video and dub
26:27 – Sentai June home video slate
31:44 – Discotek April home video releases
39:06 – ZOIDS returns (yes, really)
44:33 – Shikioriori anthology film announced
48:54 – DanMachi season 2 and film announced
52:04 – Chihayafufu season 3 announced
52:54 – Hakyu Hoshin Engi draws criticism from fan in Japan
56:43 – Alicization anime arc will cover EVERYTHING?
64:02 – Crunchyroll Anime Awards recap
Additional audio from:
Fullmetal Alchemist trailer (Netflix)
Tokyo Pig TV spot
ZOIDS Chaotic Century TV spot (Toonami)
The Soup
Apple Podcasts – https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/podcastona/id1348141210?mt=2
Google Play – https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Iji4s3v2zmahjgokqsmevbojno4
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzheC8DKa8jmlSHSNBcEYwA
Where to find us:
Alex – @AuraOfAzure
Andy – @MangaMan9000, youtube.com/DubTalk
Jet – @Divinenega, animationinfinity.com
Duelist – @HeartofSword75, youtube.com/DuelistG
Sam – @szuniverse, toonamisquad.com
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