Episode 83 – The Autumnal Round Table Buffet! It’s finally starting to cool down, the leaves are changing colors, and pumpkin spice lattes have been back on the menu for a [...]
Episode 82 – EVA’s 25th Anniversary Jackpot! You would think that we’d install some kind of fire-retardant materials of some kind to make sure our newsroom doesn’t explode when something [...]
Episode 81 – The Progressive Future Outlook In MemoriamKosei Tomita1936-2020 At the heart of it all, this is a very silly show where a group of folks come together to [...]
Episode 80 – The Discotek SmackDown! Even in the midst of cataclysmic chaos the world over, Discotek finds a way to bring us all together to join in the [...]
Episode 79 – The Virtual Crunchy Hook-Up(s)! 2020 sure has been all over the place, and nowhere is that more evident than with the shift to “virtual” anime conventions. Such [...]
Episode 78 – The Confidence of the Pretender! In Memoriam:Chadwick Boseman1976-2020 While it may seem that on the surface we’re just a good-natured group of folks who like talking about this [...]
Episode 77 – The Power is Back On! (Mostly) Power outages sure do suck, and because we had to deal with a few of those quite recently it’s messed with our schedule [...]
Episode 76 – The Summertime Pizza Party Buffet… Thing… Yeah. (Season 7 Premiere) We’re in the deep of summer now, that’s for sure. The days are getting hotter, the storms are coming in quicker than you [...]
Episode 75 – The Virtual Con-Goings! (Season 6 Finale) Hard to believe that it’s been four months since the world, as we knew it, completely changed to a sudden standstill in the [...]
Episode 74 – The Return of the King! As many have said already, 2020 has been a wild year. “Unpredictable” is putting it lightly, and there have been plenty of surprises [...]